A Jubilee Extravaganza
- Date
- 21st November 2012
- Society
- Chesterfield Operatic Society
- Venue
- The Pomegranate Theatre, Chesterfield
- Type of Production
- Concert
- Musical Director
- Jonathan Francis
- Choreographer
- Julie Metcalfe and Paula Wilson
The overture was a selection from Iolanthe with a group of young ladies dancing at the front of the auditorium a truly fitting start to what proved to be a splendid evening’s entertainment. The first half included some excellent solo performances from Suzanne Dring, Edward Jowle, Julie Metcalfe, Andy Moore, Sarah Morrell and Holly Sumpton - all of them were also involved in the ‘James Bond Medley’, superbly singing various theme tunes from the films accompanied by some outstanding dance numbers. The dancing throughout, including dance-only sequences and those accompanying ‘Company numbers’, was so impressive it was absolutely stunning, as too, were their numerous costume changes. Congratulations must go to Julie and Paula for their imaginative choreography and to the dancers for their meticulous and professional execution of the many and varied routines. The chorus singing was divine. I loved the ‘Ascot Gavotte’, where everyone was fabulously attired in black and white, the ‘Phantom of the Opera’ and ‘Cats Medley’, the singing of the Ladies’ Chorus of ‘Fields of Gold’ and ‘Facade’ from Jekyll and Hyde was brilliant. At the start of Act Two the Musical Director, Jonathan Francis, picked up a mike and did his absolute best to whip-up the audience to whistle, sing and wave their Union Jack flags as the Company sang and danced their way through songs from yesteryear, a wonderful Medley of War Songs, three terrific numbers from the Men’s Chorus and lastly a tribute to the ‘Last Night of the Proms’. The orchestra was magnificent especially in the playing of the ‘Fantasia on British Sea Songs’ - what a triumph! Congratulations must go to Jonathan, to the choreographers, to the dancers, to all of the singers, to the orchestra and to everyone involved, for making this a marvellous night of pure enjoyment.
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