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A Christmas Carol - a Ghost Story

Author: Gordon Harris


13th December 2024
Lindley Players Ltd
Playhouse Whitstable
Type of Production
Lucie Nash and Clare Payton

There must have been a combining of particular planets when the Lindley Players’ youth group decided on crystallizing this project. It was totally exceptional in every aspect. From the first glimpse of a barren stage against a fantastic projected image of a Victorian townscape hich immediately grabbed our imagination and transported the auditorium into silence and anticipation. Then billowing fog immersed the auditorium in foreboding chilling fog. Every sense was engaged – and adrenaline flowed. As the ‘mist’ cleared the raw, tall wooden puzzling structures that most of us were guessing what they could be – were transformed into tall overbearing desks as Scrooge and Marley’s in the office of their money-pinching business. Very imposing. What a great opening and - It was going to get better.

Scrooge – Callum Whyte - and Marley - Elva Howard - struck home straight away and it was clear that we had to pay attention. Callum carried his key role in an assured and confident way. Very powerful and mature – meeting the expectations of the audience, and his fellow players. Intelligent and a quick thinker – totally in control of his audience when able to ad-lib very assuredly at one point. The ‘dramaticfuture looks very bright for this young man. I must mention Oliver Weir – a very believable ‘umble Bob Cratchit, along with his stage wife – Mrs Cratchit played by Cora Hewitt – both gave weight to their roles. Similarly the Ghosts of Christmas of Past and Present were impressive. Particularly as they swiftly transformed undetected back into members of the Ensemble. In fact there were no weaknesses in any of the cast - so a big congratulation to everyone. You all inhabited your characters and maintained the atmosphere of wonderment for your audience.

Directors – Lucie Nash and Clare Payton assisted by Emily Doyeare - you must be congratulated on your vision, and ability to marshal your excellent cast and your fantastic creatives to deliver a wonderful, exciting and totally surprising production. Along with all the tech staff made this ‘A Christmas Carol’ joyous. It was an awesome evening that signposts an exciting future .. It is difficult to find a word to describe this wonderful evening of entertainment – maybe Fandabidozi gets a little closer.

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