2012 A Space Oddity
- Date
- 12th July 2012
- Society
- Gatepost Theatre Company
- Venue
- The Guildhall Theatre, Derby
- Type of Production
- Musical
- Director
- Jim Baker
- Musical Director
- Kate Baker
The show takes its title from the classic David Bowie track and was given as a ‘musical drama’ to Kate and Jim for them to perform at Heanor Gate School where they both worked. They have revived it and further additions and adaptations have been added by Kate. The story takes us back to the 70’s when Star Trek was a regular series on television. Captain Birk and his crew are cruising through the universe on Starship Guildhall Enterprise when they are contacted by Princess Rellacinda, ruler of Planet Hegg, telling them of an attack on the planet by the evil Clingfilms, led by their leader Cretin and as all good space travellers do, the Enterprise goes to the rescue! The show features thirty well-known rock and roll hits from the 50’s and 60’s so the four piece band were kept fully occupied and were indeed brilliant. Before the start of the show members of the Enterprise came round to issue everyone with a Safety Leaflet and instructions for the Polarity Reverse Drill which the audience had to put into practice during the show. All the Enterprise crew were great and what superb singing voices they all had. Captain Birk was commandingly played by Brett Waller, Luke Grainger was convincingly scatty as Spotty and Judith Cliff gave a very creditable performance as Dr. Groans. Dan Richardson was absolutely fantastic as Plock. His excellent characterisation, his comic timing and facial expressions were wonderful. Nathan Hart was totally convincing as the evil Cretin and his Cretinis (all pupils from Crich Junior School) were terrific, especially noteworthy was a beautifully sung solo by Catriona Judd. The main principals had outstanding support from all the other cast members, who, as well as their individual roles formed small backing group singers and were involved in all the numerous musical numbers. There were jokes a plenty and it was very pantomimical with lots of audience participation. The singing and dancing throughout was excellent and the energy and enthusiasm they all showed was amazing. Good sound, lovely costumes, effective lighting and sets together with a spendid cast and band made for a truly exhilarating evening. I absolutely loved it!
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