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100 Years Of Disney

Author: Hazel Hole


27th October 2023
Clacton Musical Theatre Society
The Columbine Centre, Walton On Naze
Type of Production
Sam McCarthy
Musical Director
Gabrielle Tyler
Phoebe Wiggett
Assistant Producer
Bailey Boyce

I was warmly welcomed on arrival by Julia Clarke, Chair of CMTS and Gabrielle Tyler, Musical Director and also spoke with Producer Sam McCarthy during the interval.

There were 18 young performers in this production but unfortunately there had been some late dropouts which had resulted in 3 of the production team, two over 21 years of age, stepping into the gaps and therefore this could not be reviewed as a youth production.

However, there was a wealth of budding talent on stage with several of the cast visibly growing in confidence as the show progressed. I was delighted to hear that each performer had at least one solo line to speak or sing, along with the company numbers. There were no sets, but good use was made of curtains and props moved on and off stage. Lighting was appropriate and sound levels were mainly good. The costumes throughout were colourful and attractive.

Choreography was energetic and lively with company numbers tackled enthusiastically and most of the cast were coordinated in their moves!  There were also 5 tap dancers who performed really well.  Ruby Cowley and Katie French both performed their solo dance spots well as did Lexie Grint who also choreographed her number Reflection. In fact, Katie and Lexi, with Jasmine Cooledge also choreographed and danced Friend Like Me which was well done.

I particularly enjoyed the Snow White medley which opened the show with a lively rendition of Hi Ho complete with 7 dwarfs. Tom (Thomas Hume-Steer) gave a rousing steer to Zip a Dee Do Dah which suited his voice. In fact, several of the cast had solos to sing including Eliza Cole, Mia Slim, Felicity Ransley, Ruby Cowley and Lexie Grint. Some of the sensitive numbers were quite difficult for young voices to cover but they all showed good range and should be able to develop their confidence and ability to project their voices in the future. Well done!

The Mary Poppins medley was great, lively and enthusiastic involving the entire company.

Act Two opened with Brazzle Dazzle Day with everyone on stage and some good choreographed dancing for all. I really enjoyed the girls group singing My Guy. Eliza Cole looked very mermaid like draped over rocks as she sang Part Of Your World wearing an attractive costume complete with tail!

The three “guests” plugging the gaps in the cast had some excellent songs of their own. Teegan Deeks in Cruella De Ville was well cast and led in The Bare Necessities, whilst Phoebe Wiggins was excellent in Higgitus Figgitus. Bailey Boyce performed well in The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers and What Dreams Are Made Of.  The guests were involved in duets and trios with each other and provided good role models for the young cast.

This concert style programme was challenging for the young cast who responded well to the challenge.

Many congratulations to Gabrielle Tyler, Musical Director, Phoebe Wiggett, Choreographer and Sam McCarthy, Director for their creativity and ability to draw out the best from the young cast.

The audience was appreciative, and I certainly enjoyed the evening.




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