26th October 2020
As part of our campaign to raise the profile of amateur theatre within government, we want to show that there is definitely strength in numbers. We want every society whether they are members of NODA or not to:
- Send a copy of ‘The Importance of Amateur Theatre’ letter to their MP and local press. We encourage you to add details about your society and members, the impact of the current restrictions and activities they have been undertaking to engage with both members and your audience.
- Share it on your social media pages
- Send it to all of your members and encourage them to send it to their MP.
As part of our campaign, we asked societies to share with us 1 photo of a show or rehearsal. Over the page is the result of that request. It shows the amazing depth of productions mounted in the UK and that is just a fraction of the groups throughout the country. The image is available to download on this page - add it to your email and press releases to show there is power in numbers. Keep sending the letters, keep posting online - we must #MakeOurVoicesHeard.