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Author: Katharine Carradus


26th October 2012
Garstang Musical Productions
Garstang Academy, Garstang.
Type of Production
Paul Jones
Musical Director
Alexander Phillips
Zak Yates

This musical has been in the repertoire of the amateur theatre for many years now, we have all I am sure seen this show more than once. I have seen it twice in three weeks.

Due to unforeseen circumstances the part of Curly was played by director Paul Jones and what a good job he made of the part. The opening number ‘Oh What a Beautiful Morning’ was good and with this production there is nothing like a good start to being happy. This feeling continued from start to finish. Paul Jones brought out all the facets of the cowhands character with ease and his singing was great.

Rachel Mercer was a pert and loving Laurey singing her numbers with clarity and pleasing fervour. Jude Whitwood as Aunt Eller was well cast as the hard-nut with the soft centre. Ado Annie had a great sense of comedy, as did Ali Hakim, and their experience showed each time they were on stage. Well done Joanna Worden and Ray Jenkinson. Will Parker was played by Paul Knowles who danced and acted well. I very much enjoyed Steven Bryant as Jud Fry, and the smokehouse duet with Curly was just excellent, so very well done. All the smaller parts were well cast, I must say what good choreography especially ‘The Dream Ballet’, quite superb, well done dancers. The chorus singing was good, especially ‘The Farmer and the Cow Man’, which was taken at a good pace.

The small group of musicians did a great job, costumes were good as was scenery, sound and lighting, so that you very much for a most enjoyable evening.

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