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Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Author: Decia Ranger


26th May 2022
Sawston Youth Drama
The Marven Centre, Sawston.
Type of Production
Youth Production
Fiona Case
Musical Director
Miles Cragg
Eloise Long
Mark Long

It was lovely to return to SYD after the long enforced break.  We received a warm welcome and having taken our seats, observed an open stage, simply dressed and enhanced by subdued lighting.

Narrators Emily, Scarlett, Tilly and Ava, introduced the audience to the story and did an excellent job throughout the evening. Very well done to all four of them.

This was SYD Juniors first production post pandemic and they were obviously thoroughly enjoying being in this iconic show which really needs no introduction. They were performing with confidence having been put through their paces by a team of dedicated leaders. Joining the cast and seated on the thrust downstage right, was a large chorus drawn from SYD 7’s and Seniors youth groups adding strength to the young voices on stage and together producing a terrific sound which at times was quite emotional. 

Joseph Morris is to be congratulated on his performance in the title role.  His singing was terrific and his acting ability, although not tested fully in this show, due their being little or no dialogue, was nevertheless apparent. This was a good confident performance from a young man with obvious talent.

Good performances also from Max Collins as Pharaoh and Tom Scanlon as Jacob surrounded by his sons, all of whom played their roles well. There were other good performances from Harry Richards as Potiphar and Lucy Christalow as his wife, flirting with Joseph while her husband counts his money.

Well done to dancers Darcey, Philina, Fiona, Phoebe and Anna. Good footwork with just a few stray arms, but on the whole, I think they did very well.

Scenery was kept simple with appropriate stage props and this worked well. Costumes were well thought out with some excellent exotic outfits. The final presentation of Joseph’s coat as a circle of many colours attached to him and held by the cast, almost filling the stage, made a terrific impact.

The band under the direction of Miles Cragg worked tirelessly throughout the evening and provided excellent accompaniment.

This was a thoroughly enjoyable production.  Congratulations to all involved and thank you for inviting me.

It must feel great to be back!





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